The New Consultant Training CD is your 1st of many FABULOUS training materials!!!
New Consultant Training CD
- On this CD Cyndee teaches you everything you need to know to get your business on the Right Track to Success! This is a MUST listen to cd. It is the first journey you will take with your National on how to create a vision for what Mary Kay can be in your life and it gets you started thinking abundantly and it will help you create a vision for your future! You will learn how to stay connected through various resources created by both Cyndee and the company. How and why to use the Preferred Customer Program mailing, how to get your Business Cards, set up Propay, and how to win Prizes from your director and the company including the Star Consultant Program!! You will also learn about inventory and why it's important for your business. Cyndee will talk about making your list of people you know. She will also teach you why its important to do a Perfect Start or Power Start and why you need to use the script included in your packet when making your booking calls. Cyndee will talk about the SHOT Program and explain how your hostess can earn up to $100 in Free Products! You will learn why its important to share the business opportunity with others, why we follow the Golden Rule and why you want to dress professionally. This CD is the first step that will help you make your first business decisions and will be followed up by a discussion with your sales director. The two of you together will create a business plan to make all your dreams come true for you and your family! You will want to make sure you listen to this cd FIRST and call your director within 24 hours of receiving it so you can get your first prize!!!