An amazing journey, so start it out right!
The Road to Directorship CD
- Everything you need to know to as you take the journey through DIQ. This CD will illustrate the What , Why and the How to completing DIQ effortlessly. Cyndee will take your DIQ through the 8 skill levels that they are expected to master. She will not only give the DIQ weekly goals, but she will share with her how to achieve them and what the potential outcome will be. Cyndee shares her simple but effective systems on how to track your progress and stay on target. As a future Senior, YOU will be educated on your roll as her mentor. Following EVERYTHING outlined in this CD is a sure-fire guarantee to a successful DIQ process and will prepare her to become not only a director, or a top director, but a NATIONAL! This audio CD is a gift for you to give to your future offspring for motivation, inspiration and tools for success from our National, Cyndee Gress!